Peter H. Dana, Ph.D.

P.O. Box 1297

Georgetown, Texas  78627

Phone: (512) 869-1450



Electronic Navigation, Precise Positioning, and Geographic Information Systems Research and Development


World Wide Web Materials


GcraftThe Geographer’s Craft Project, Department of Geography, University of Connecticut





MPMINIThe Map Projection Overview


CSMINIThe Coordinate System Overview


gdminiThe Geodetic Datum Overview




ncgia The National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis



Unit 013 - Coordinate Systems Overview


Unit 015 - The Shape of the Earth


Unit 017 – Global Positioning System Overview






gpsHome2 GPS World



Dana, Peter H. 1998. Nicaragua's "GPSistas" Mapping Their Lands on the Caribbean Coast. GPS World (September).



Other On-Line Publications:



Mann, Charles C., Peter H. Dana, and William Doolittle 2013. Humanized Landscapes Before 1492.



Dana, Peter H. 2011. GIS Methods and Considerations, Chapter 4 in: Archaeological Field Survey: Bradano to Basento. The Chora of Metaponto 3: Joseph C. Carter and Alberto Prieto, Editors. Austin: University of Texas Press. 93-126.


Dana, Peter H. 2011. Cutting Across, Chapter 24 in Mapping Latin America: Space and Society, 1492-2000. Karl Offen and Jordana Dym, Editors. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 135-138.


Dana, Peter H. 2010. Entries in The Encyclopedia of Geography. Ed. B. Warf. London: Sage Publications.


Dana, Peter H. 2008. Surveys of People and Place. Chapter 28 in The Handbook of Geographic Information Science. Eds. John P. Wilson and Stewart Fotheringham. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. 494-518.


Dana, Peter H. 2004. Incorporating the Advice of Experts in GIS Analysis. In Carter, Joseph C. Ed. The Study of Ancient Territories: Chersoneses and Metaponto:2004 Annual Report. Oxford: Oxbow Books. 77-81.


Clarke, Keith C., Peter H. Dana, and Jordan T. Hastings. 2002. A New World Geographic Reference System. Cartography and Geographic Information Science. 29. No. 4. 355-362


Dana, Peter H. 1998. Nicaragua’s “GPSistas”: Mapping Their Lands on the Caribbean Coast. GPS World. (September).


Dana, Peter H. and S. Lee Hancock. 1997. A User Friendly Location Referencing System. Proceedings of the National Technical Meeting, Santa Monica, CA. Washington, DC: The Institute of Navigation.


Dana, Peter H. 1997. Global Positioning System (GPS) Time Dissemination for Real-Time Applications. Real-Time Systems: The International Journal of Time Critical Computing Systems. 12. No. 1 (January) [PDF 215K].


Dana, Peter H. 1995. Home on the Web: The University of Texas Builds a GPS Web Site. GPS World (November).


Dana, Peter H. 1994. Geographic Information Systems Loran-C Coverage Modeling. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Technical Symposium. Bedford, MA: The Wild Goose Association. [PDF 110K]


Penrod, Bruce, Richard Funderburk, and Peter H. Dana. 1991. GPS/Loran-C Interoperability for Time and Frequency Applications: A Survey of the Times of Arrival of Loran-C Transmissions Via GPS Common Mode/Common View Satellite Observations. Proceedings of the National Technical Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. Washington DC: The Institute of Navigation.


Dana, Peter H. 1990. The Raymondville Ghost: Loran-C Signal Reflections. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Technical Symposium. Bedford MA: The Wild Goose Association. [PDF 780K]


Dana, Peter H. and Bruce M. Penrod. 1990. The Role of GPS in Precise Time and Frequency Dissemination. GPS World (July/August).


Dana, Peter H., Walt Fowler and David Hindman. 1989. Automated Animal-Tracking System: Tracking Elk with Retransmitted Loran-C. Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Technical Symposium. Bedford, MA: The Wild Goose Association.


Hancock, Lee and Peter H. Dana. U.S. Patent #6,473,692. System and Method for Locating Points of Interest. October 29, 2002.

Hancock, Lee and Peter H. Dana. U.S. Patent #6,356,834. Geographic Location Referencing System and Method. March 12, 2002.

Hancock, Lee and Peter H. Dana. U.S. Patent #6,339,744. Geographic Location Referencing System and Method. January 15, 2002.

Hancock, Lee, Peter H. Dana, and S. D. Morrison. US Patent #6,295,502. Method of Identifying Geographical Location Using Hierarchical Grid Address That Includes a Predefined Alpha Code. September 25, 2001.

Hancock, Lee and Peter H. Dana. U.S. Patent #6,223,122. Geographic Location Referencing System and Method. April 24, 2001.

Hancock, Lee, Peter H. Dana, and Scott D. Morrison. U.S. Patent #6,202,023. Internet Based Geographic Location Referencing System and Method. March 13, 2001.

Hancock, Lee and Peter H. Dana. U.S. Patent #6,047,236. Geographic Location Referencing System and Method. April 4, 2000.

Hancock, Lee and Peter H. Dana. U.S. Patent #5,839,088. Geographic Location Referencing System and Method. November 11, 1998.


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